44 Reynolds Avenue Bankstown NSW 2200

Construction of a two storey child care centre with basement carparking and associated signage accommodating a maximum of 59 children
Planning Authority
Canterbury-Bankstown Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 6 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
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This childcare should immediately be approved. It is situated in such a nice place where lot of families live. I know, many parents are waiting for this childcare to be operating. Specially, lot of kids who live around this place go to Yagoona public school, their parent will be relieved if this childcare is approved to operate. It will also be an opportunity for workforce. Parents who don't drive car need to walk far to drop their kids to school and childcare. Please approve this childcare asap if they can submit all required documents.

Khondaker Haque
Delivered to Canterbury-Bankstown Council

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