10 Naree Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

New - Boarding House
Planning Authority
Northern Beaches Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 7 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Northern Beaches Council. Add your own comment.

We don't want all these boarding houses popping up all over our nice quiet area when we already are faced with many units being built around the new Northern Beaches Hospital.

Therese Webber
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

Lets ensure there is well planned and scaled development throughout the Northern Beaches. Accommodation for the varied needs of our community. I would prefer to see approved boarding housing, operating to high standards, rather than individuals turning private homes into illegal boarding houses.

Sent to Northern Beaches Council

Our area is not conducive to boarding houses, it's a family area which is already struggling with excessive traffic and development. If you want to supply 'boarding houses' to the beaches, then perhaps look at putting them in already built up areas, close to public transport and shops.

Sent to Northern Beaches Council

As many people have pointed out already in many forums, the Forest area is already struggling with infrastructure inadequacies in all forms. This will just add to the load of this failure at different Government levels.
Let the road work get completed & see how that copes - it is only designed to address the problem BEFORE the hospital is taken into account.
Water - I was informed by a senior Water Board (as it was then known) engineer 15 years ago there was only enough supply into the Northern Beaches Council (NBC) area for another 250 dwellings... That was then. We now see water pressure problems in Dee Why & other high density residential areas.
Build the infrastructure first, THEN look at the options for this type of thing in appropriate areas.

Sent to Northern Beaches Council

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