I don't feel this is a suitable location, the round about and traffic on peachy road is already unbearable of an afternoon and throughout the week. A major overhaul of the surrounding roads would be required.
9 Vaughan Drive, Ormeau QLD 4208
- Description
- Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Place of Worship & Caretaker’s Accommodation
- Planning Authority
Gold Coast City Council
- Reference number
MCU/2024/513This was created by Gold Coast City Council to identify this application. You will need this if you talk directly with them or use their website.
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 3 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 57 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 19 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Gold Coast City Council. Add your own comment.
Please council you need to slow down on the approval of any DA such as this that will add to the already massively over burdened and totally chocked roads. I understand council can not control all the roads as some are state and some are federal…. But if the infrastructure is not there, it’s not there…. And council should be applying all pressure available to the other jurisdictions to focus on our area so we can then allow what ever new developments make sense. Anyone that travels these roads in this area will understand…. It’s not about bad traffic any more, it’s about totally blocked roads!
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57 people informed.. I'm sure 57 people would have said this is a terrible thing to enter this community. Something like this should not be in a residential area, especially when you can't run a home business before 8am or after 6pm, but they want to play prayers and obnoxious sounds from 5am to 9:30pm... go do this out in rural area where it doesnt affect an already overpopulated and extrememly busy community. From what i know of, they're already disreguarding council requirements on their blocks with taking trees down and just passing money around as they have no care. This will destroy the nice ormeau community
This is a quiet rural, residential area. This building would not align with the majority of the local community needs and would disrupt the quiet aspect of this area.
This area is not equipped in terms of roads and ability to take on the extra traffic that would be caused by any religious building and the parking needs required as outlined within the plan.
Local roads can not handle the existing local traffic, this will only further impact the already significant congestion, especially during peak times.
This is a quiet Residential area. The potential change to the lot to become an area of worship would have a negative impact on the noise levels of the existing area, which is rather quiet, as it is surrounded significantly by residential properties.
The proposed location is only going to add to an already highly congested area.
There seems to be a concerning number of proposals for mosques for the Gold Coast in recent times.
It hasn't gone well for Melbourne and Sydney allowing far too many.
Has anyone seriously thought about the traffic? I live in Jacobs Ridge. I have already moved my registration with Chemist Warehouse Ormeau to one in Pimpama because the traffic will be hell with Aldi and now this AND the M1 is already a joke.
I am sorry. I am not one to usually complain but this is just ridiculous. Fix the traffic situation first please!
This is not the right location. It's a quiet residential area with terrible traffic congestion already. I'm not sure how this can even get approval to proceed. The location should be carefully reviewed and Ormeau resident feedback should be considered.
The proposed change of material and future development to a place of worship in this neighborhood raises concerns due to the area's undeveloped infrastructure. The addition of such a facility could exacerbate existing traffic congestion, particularly with new developments like Aldi already under construction. The current road network is not adequately equipped to handle further strain, especially during peak hours. Additionally, this is a quiet suburb, and noise from the proposed venue could disrupt the peaceful environment that residents currently enjoy. It is important that any such proposal be carefully evaluated for its impact on local traffic, infrastructure and current residence.
This has the potential to completely change the dynamic of this already over populated area. None of the local road infrastructure would handle a significant influx of traffic in and around the Vaughan St, Peachy Rd shopping precinct. I also have concern about the impact a Mosque would have on the general peace of the area bringing a significant change to the culture of the district. I am definitely opposed to such a proposal in Ormeau.
This would cause a literal car park on Vaughan Road itself as the road is already congested. Aldi is opening this year which is going to make the vicinity chaotic as it is. This quiet semi-rural area is not ideal for any place of worship of any denomination, it is too close to existing houses. It needs to be built in a trading estate where residents aren't bothered by continuous traffic and noise. I am not in agreement for this application.
This is not an appropriate development for this area. The roads are already heavily congested for much of the day. Congestion will only increase further when the new Aldi opens. A structure of this nature will add further to an already unmanageable traffic flow in the area. The nature of the application is not suitable to a residential area. I object to this DA and request a Council decline in full.
The proposed change to the lot could significantly disrupt the quiet residential nature of the area. The increase in traffic from worshippers attending services or other religious events would exacerbate existing congestion on local roads, which are already unable to handle the current traffic levels, particularly during peak times. This could lead to heightened delays, safety concerns, not to mention an ambulance trying to exit this already busy area.
Additionally, the surrounding infrastructure does not appear to be equipped to handle the demands of such a development. With the recent addition of Aldi next door, a small car park, and the already congested road conditions, particularly in the mornings and afternoons when Ormeau is difficult to navigate, the area is under significant strain. Past gatherings at the site have already shown how quickly the streets can become choked with traffic, further demonstrating that the current roadways cannot handle the additional load.
Given these factors, it would be prudent to reconsider the location, particularly in order to avoid further impacts on the traffic surrounding residential properties. A location away from residential homes would better suited. There is a huge Industrial area up Peachy Road that could be use.
It's truly concerning to consider the establishment of a religious centre in a residential area, especially when the traffic situation is already a nightmare. The idea of adding a high-traffic facility to a neighbourhood where the roads are already struggling to handle the current load seems unreasonable. During peak hours, the streets are already congested, and the addition of worshippers attending services will make the situation far worse.
The impact will be significant, with further delays, and a real strain on emergency response times, not to mention the ambulance station in Ormeau.
Given the existing traffic issues, this proposal is clearly problematic. Please find a location that can handle the increased traffic and provide the necessary space without negatively impacting the lives of nearby residents.
I don’t agree to this happening as it will cause disruption to traffic in the quiet peaceful street we live in.
The plan to develop a place of worship in this neighborhood raises concerns due to the area’s underdeveloped infrastructure. With projects like Aldi already underway, introducing such a facility could increase traffic congestion, particularly during busy times of the day. The existing road network is not equipped to handle additional demand. Moreover, this is a peaceful residential area, and noise from the proposed venue could disturb the quiet environment residents currently enjoy. It is essential to carefully assess the proposal’s impact on traffic, infrastructure, and the well-being of the local community.
Not a good idea to have a "business" on a blind corner, opposite a junction, near brow of hill next to a school. Plus new Aldi opening 100m away which will put pressure on local roads: recipe for chaos. Plus any call to prayer allowed would seriously disrupt area & disturb the quiet enjoyment and those sleeping eg children, shift workers etc & be a public noise nuisance. Best to keep these things confined to, say, industrial estates where traffic is catered for & noise not a problem. Planners need to think as this is a quiet residential area & we do not need anything here that does not fit in. Thank you.
Do you really want to encourage worship/practice & exercise of a religion which demands everyone converts to Islam or be k!lled?
A religion which doesn't hesitate to murder innocent children of different faiths, while indoctrinating their own in hating Jews and non Muslims from birth, and k!lling infidels and celebrating and rejoicing over their dead bodies? How long you think until what they practice in the Middle East right now could happen here? (The recent handover of Israeli hostages, some dead, some alive, kept for ~500 days by Hamas, among which a 9mo baby and 4yo toddler, both strangled to dead by terrorists with their bare hands then mutilated with rocks to mimick an Israeli air strike.) Do you really want to support any such fanaticism on our soil and risk being responsible for similar outcomes in the near or far future here?
A religion which proudly proclaims and announces that they will not stop until they have achieved world dominion and completely annihilated not only the land of Israel, but executed every non converting infidel, world wide?
I urge you, to carefully reconsider. Thank you.