14-16 Hill Road, Wentworth Point NSW 2127

Section 4.55(1A) modification of DA/587/2021 (as amended) for the construction of a residential flat building on Sub-Precinct 3. The modification seeks to amend Condition 91 to extend the construction hours during the pouring of concrete slabs. The proposed hours for this purpose are between 6am to 7pm Mondays to Fridays and 6am to 6pm Saturdays.
Planning Authority
Parramatta City Council
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Parramatta City Council. Add your own comment.

I am against the extension to work hours. The builder already accesses the site with accompanying construction noise from 6am onwards often to beyond sunset. Additional mandated time will increase the noise levels from this site into times which residents should rightly expect for a break from construction noise. It also extends the disruption to local resident parking in surrounding streets (workers from this development are presently using street parking for their vehicles which I suspect is against the DA for the site). Many residents without internal building parking use street parking for overnight parking. Presence of building site workers will either prevents this or make it very difficult. Lastly the Light Rail Stage Two project will commence construction directly behind this development in March 2025 adding to noise and to vehicle movement during these hours as well as high voltage work being undertaken in Lapwing Street in January -March 2025 to connect the new Sanctuary buildings to the power grid. Extension of work hours on the Sanctuary site will therefore result in quite significant noise and vehicle movement disruption in an area already saturated with building activities.

Peter Corry
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I agree with the comment placed above by Peter Corry. But to add further reasoning why I am absolutely against the application for the extension of hours. The scope under which the original DA was approved is not being kept within its current limitation and any further request for an extension is unreasonable on residents around the Sanctuary complex in its current condition. Current impacted concerns related /but not limited to include the unsafe traffic management plan around Sanctuary; the unmonitored environmental emissions from the current development area and excessively loud noise monitoring not being enforced around the area. This is ridiculous during the current conditions and extending the hours from Monday to Friday only compounds the situation within the area that residents are already upset about. Parramatta City Council needs to push back on the application in light of the current conditions with a view that the Developer seek a resolution with Residents to mitigate the concerns listed above.

Lii Asiata
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

As a current resident within the Sanctuary Development, I am against the application for the extension of construction hours. This is our home, and while we are aware of the ongoing construction works for many more years to come, we also have the right to have some peace and quiet in the evening and on weekends.

As noted in earlier comments, the residents are already suffering from non-existent traffic management, regular construction activity outside the permitted hours, as well as excessive noise and pollution levels. There appears to be little regard for the rules (and the residents) from the builder and developer + zero enforcement from Council which is highly disappointing.

Marina Konysheva
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

As a resident facing construction site, I have already suffered from construction noise and dust. They don't even follow the current working hours and quite often we can hear the trucks and noisy equipment in the middle of the night. There is no traffic management, the selfish project team has no respect for the current sanctuary residents. They give no notification for any changes in the traffic flow or ongoing work. There is no guarantee that extending the working hours will reduce the construction duration.

Shima Taheri
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I am strongly against this proposal. This feels like a thinly veiled attempt by the development team to rubber-stamp the hours that they are already doing. I am a Sanctuary resident that almost directly faces the construction site and am subject to noise and air/dust pollution at all hours of the day as it currently is. 6am - 7pm Mon-Fri and 6am-6pm Sat already feels like the hours they have "unofficially" been operating. Not to mention the complete absence of any traffic management, the absence of communications to residents when they decide to close our roads, and the fact that our street parking is mostly taken up by the construction workers - the residents of Sanctuary are experiencing incredible disruption to our lives.

By rubber-stamping these hours, we are guaranteeing ourselves additional noise and dust pollution at hours that we should rightfully be enjoying some peace and quiet. This is extremely concerning for our residents who work shifts, and for those who have newborns - where these hours are critical for them to be catching up on rest.

Our residents are fully aware we are subject to many more years of construction from the other stages of Sanctuary, but to compound this we will also be disrupted from the associated works for this (e.g. high voltage work on Lapwing Street), and also from the Light Rail project. There seems to be little concern shown from the Sanctuary project team to the current residents of Sanctuary.

It's also important to note that the DA application says that the closest residents are 141m away - this is blatantly lying by omission, as the project team is fully aware that there will be new residents moving into Sanctuary Stage 2 in Q1 next year. There is also no consideration for the fact that access to the site is via Lapwing Street - which means that trucks, cars, and other construction vehicles are constantly coming and going at all hours of the day and themselves creating further noise and air pollution. There also appears to be no enforcement by Council on any of these issues, so the project team is happy to continue abusing it. It's clear that there is no regard for the residents that will invariably suffer the consequences of their actions.

This submission is highly disappointing to read, and I strongly advise Parramatta Council act in the best interests of the residents and push back on this proposal.

Zackary Chua
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed increase in work hours over the next few months, which will significantly impact those living adjacent to the work site.

As a resident in close proximity to the area, I understand the importance of progress and development. However, extending work hours beyond their current schedule could have considerable repercussions on the quality of life for those in the neighborhood. Increased noise, disruption during evening or early morning hours, and the potential for stress or health issues are some of the challenges this change may pose.

I kindly request that alternative solutions be considered to balance the need for timely project completion with the well-being of local residents. Options such as better soundproofing measures, scheduling louder activities during less intrusive hours, or even limiting the number of extended workdays could help mitigate the impact.

I believe that with careful planning and consideration, it is possible to achieve the project goals while maintaining a harmonious relationship with the community. Please let me know if there is an opportunity for residents to discuss this matter further or if additional accommodations can be made.

Delivered to Parramatta City Council

Are any of these extra hours going to be spent completing the gym/pool complex, that Sekesui seems to have forgotten about the moment stage 2 sold out

Pavel Hanoba
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I am strongly against the proposal to extend hours. My experience has been that Seisuki often construct beyond the current hour limit. As current residents in Stage 1 the noise dust and pollution are already extensive. There are old people who suffer from BP and 6am starts are not great.
I agree with the well articulated comments above. Thank you.

Fiona Geve
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

My bedroom faces the construction site, and every morning at 6 a.m., the machinery starts up, creating noise throughout the entire day. Additionally, car insurance costs in our area have increased by 18% this year, which might be partly due to the increasing traffic complexity in this region.

It would be greatly appreciated if the authorities could consider providing some form of discount or support for residents in Sanctuary to help offset these impacts. Furthermore, I’d like to highlight that the strata fees have also risen by 30% this year, adding to the financial strain on residents.

Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I am writing to express my objection to the proposal. As a young family, we hope to have minimum disturbance to our day to day life. The current construction hours is the most we can bear. Thanks for the understanding.

Delivered to Parramatta City Council

Strongly object this proposal:

Extended working hours will cause increased noise, disruption, and pollution, especially during early mornings and late evenings when residents expect peace and quiet. This can adversely impact our quality of life, mental health, and sleep patterns, particularly for families with young children, the elderly, and those working irregular shifts especially on Saturday!

Additionally, extended operations may increase traffic congestion and safety risks in the area, further inconveniencing residents. The community deserves adequate consideration and balance between development needs and the preservation of a livable environment.

Haojin Tang
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

Object to this proposal.
I purchased my unit in March, moved into unit in May. Noise is unrelenting.
Sick of the noise, I absolutely do not want these extra hours of work or traffic. The noise is unbearable, shame on you for not thinking of the residents mental health.
Please do not approve extensions Parramatta

Cheryl Helmore
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

Object to this proposal.
I purchased my unit in March, moved into unit in May. Noise is unrelenting.
Sick of the noise, I absolutely do not want these extra hours of work or traffic. The noise is unbearable, shame on you for not thinking of the residents mental health.
Please do not approve extensions Parramatta

Cheryl Helmore
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

Object to this proposal. As a resident the current noise level is already at the most we can bear.

S Chen
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I am strongly against the proposal to extend hours. It will make our life quality worse and we don't trust Seisuki will keep their promises. The present construction already created lots of trouble because of their poor communication and management. We don't want more chaos coming out.

Olivia Ouyang
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I strongly against this proposal.
The current construction noise already impacts the local residents significantly from Monday to Saturday. If the hours get extended, it will make current situation even worse.

Yunnan Tang
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I am writing as a resident of the adjacent property to express my strong objection to the proposed modification of Condition 91 under Section 4.55(1A) of DA/587/2021 by Sekisui House, which seeks to extend the construction hours during the pouring of concrete slabs.

The proposed hours of 6am to 7pm on weekdays and 6am to 6pm on Saturdays will significantly disrupt the peace and livability of the surrounding residential area. The early start and extended hours will increase noise pollution and negatively impact the daily lives of residents, particularly those who rely on these hours for rest, work from home, or care for children and elderly family members.

While I understand the need to ensure construction progress, the proposed hours are excessively intrusive and do not sufficiently balance the needs of the community. I strongly urge Sekisui House and the relevant authorities to maintain the current construction hours or explore less disruptive alternatives.

Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I object against the extension of working hours. They do not adhere to the regular working hours already, and, have usually left machinary running till midnight and 1am in the morning.

To request an approval to extend creating - Noise, ruffling dust, and, crowding street parking in the hope of completing a construction job is just silly. They have been taking time off, and neglecting areas that are closest to the residential buildings next door for too long.

They have not completed the newly constructed adjacent building to existing residential buildings, while they attend to constructing other parts of the development that are more visible from a distance. Their construction schedule and priorities are about appearances of work in progress / almost complete / almost there, but have not yet completed something.

Extending their work hours, will only be a disturbance to the community and adjacent affected residents.

Why should the council even consider approving extending work-hours for a construction site to disturb the residents? The construction project is for another 10-15 years, multi-staged project. Extending their work hours will NOT reduce the time taken to deliver anything. It is a disturbance, and something that may sound appealing to prospective buyers, may assist in selling some of their apartments, but it will not reduce time to deliver anything. It will just lead to noise, dust, crowding and pain for residents.

Delivered to Parramatta City Council

As a Sanctuary resident directly facing the construction site I am already fighting an uphill battle with the amount of dust and noise created during the current hours of construction. It takes hours for the dust to settle enough so that it feels safe to open the windows and get some fresh air. No one wants to breathe in or live in thick layers of dust. There are also extra expenses the residents have had to take on in order to have the residences cleaned more frequently. On top of this, the developer has taken advantage of the fact that we are part of the development in order to use resources meant only for our stage, and the overflow has caused flooding to our side.

Working from home makes noise a very big issue as well and there is only so much tolerance for works that are already being done outside of the current allowed hours. Many days they have machinery and lights turned on throughout the night. The workers come in at 5am with noisy trucks that they leave running in order to jump on street parking as the residents leave, music blaring and honking greetings at each other with little or no regard to the residents sleeping. They mention the closest residents are 141m away. I beg to differ as they seem to be focusing on the development further away instead of the one across the street and ignoring the fact they have yet to finish the works literally 10m away.

Rather than allowing them extended hours I would like to see strict enforcement of the hours that they should be working in. I strongly advise Parramatta Council act in the best interests of the residents and push back on this proposal.

Jane C
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

As another Sanctuary resident who is also directly impacted by the construction work, I cannot agree more with the comments already made by the other residents - I also strongly oppose this proposal.

I believe our community of residents has already been more than tolerant with Sekisui House and their current ways of working. They have shown blatant disregard and a complete lack of consideration as to how their construction work (and the consequent noise, pollution and traffic management problems, just to name a few) is jeopardising our quality of life, safety and wellbeing. There is no doubt that if Sekisui House is given an inch with this proposal being passed that they will take a mile (and more) from this community, as they have already been doing.

I am appalled that Sekisui House would submit this proposal knowing that it would be at the cost of our community's interests (a tight-knit community consisting of many residents they have profited off of and residents who have helped bring greater interest into this Sekisui House development, mind you). I strongly advise Parramatta Council to reject this proposal in light of the strong opposition this proposal has clearly received.

Patricia T
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

I strongly object to the proposed extension of construction hours for the project under Section 4.55(1A) modification of DA/587/2021. As a resident with a newborn baby, the current construction activities are already causing significant disruption to our daily lives, with excessive noise and dust impacting our health and well-being. More importantly they don't manage their own parking space. Many oft the worker occupied the parking spaces on the street all day. Extending construction hours from 6am to 7pm on weekdays and 6am to 6pm on Saturdays would severely exacerbate these issues, depriving families of essential rest and creating an unreasonably stressful living environment. The early morning start times are particularly concerning, as they would disrupt critical periods of rest for infants and young children. I urge you to consider the detrimental effect this modification would have on the health and quality of life of residents and to prioritize community welfare by rejecting the extension request.

Delivered to Parramatta City Council

As a resident, I also oppose the extension of hours and I second the excellent points made by other residents. I note that daily routine for many families (including ours) involves waking up well after 6am, and so regular disruptions of their sleep, caused by noise coming from the construction site, will have severe implications on their health and wellbeing.

Kasia Krol
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

Dear Council,
I write to express my strong objection on DA/587/2021.

As a resident directly neighbouring the site, we have been patient in tolerating the existing disruption to our daily lives caused by the construction, respecting the agreement between current residents and the developer. However, like many other residents have already commented, I highlight that the developer has been NOT been reciprocating this respect for an extended time now, by working outside of agreed hours, running/transporting heavy machinery late hours into the night, providing insufficient/haphazard notices to extended/exceptional work, and with construction workers trespassing into our resident parking causing obstruction and damage to our parking systems.

Formally approving the modified construction hours - which as mentioned, the developer are already working - will only serve to exacerbate the disruption for residents and the community. The incessant and hazardously loud noise pollution, along with dust and construction waste pollution carried by the frequently windy days - have made my outside a hostile environment. When the site is active, I have to sacrifice between cracking the window for fresh airflow, OR preserving my mental and physical health from exposure to the site. I especially sympathise with families with young children, elders, and others who spend more time at home due to personal/professional reasons.

I sincerely request that Council reject the proposed modification of DA/587/2021, and that the developer can respect the livelihoods and wellbeing of the existing community.

Joshua H
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

As a resident of the Sekisui stage1 compound facing the construction site, I'm strongly against this proposal. In the past year, the construction team has not followed its promises to operate during the standard construction hours and has created tremendous noise and dust that is affecting the life of the resident community. I have to keep all windows and doors shut day and nights to make sure I can be properly heard over a work call, and avoid being waken up due to the loud and random noises caused by heavy vehicle traffics happening at the late nights. I believe the residency community has been experiencing a very similar situation and on that basis, I sincerely ask the Parramatta Council to consider rejecting this proposal involving extended construction hours. Additionally, as mentioned in a number of other comments, I request the council to enforce a better scrutiny over the development activities for the benefit of the existing residents.

Shiqian Li
Delivered to Parramatta City Council

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